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Comprehensive Oral Evaluation

At GOEL DENTAL KIDS we believe that oral health must be part of every child’s daily activities. It is important to teach them good oral hygiene techniques and ways of maintaining good oral health. Dr Shikha ensures that every kid learns the proper way of brushing and flossing and also to educate parents to support their children in maintaining good oral health. A comprehensive oral examination will reveal the specific dental needs of your kid and if any treatment is necessary.
What Happens During A Comprehensive Oral Exam?
Comprehensive oral exams consist of physical examination of teeth, gums, tongue, cheek, jaw bones and dietary habits. It helps to identify any cavities, any alignment issues or any other issue not directly noticeable by parents. An effective treatment strategy is thus formulated from the results of observations. Observations are further verified by Xrays or Full mouth Xray depending on the case. Everything is explained to the parents including the treatment plan. The child will also be taught how to take care of his or her own teeth so that they can maintain a beautiful smile.
What If My Child Needs Dental Treatment.
First thing that haunts parents when a child requires dental treatment is the fear of how comfortable the child will be during procedure, how child will stay calm, how painful the procedure is and many such questions. Goel Dental is good at handling all such kids. Toys and magic is just enough to handle little kids and the majority of procedures are painless. Going further numbing gel or spray is applied for slightly more invasive procedures. Mild oral sedatives, Nitrous oxide sedation and IV sedation are also used in the presence of an anesthetist if required. Goel Dental has also tied up with several hospitals for doing cases that require General Anesthesia.
Visit us today or call us at +91 9310207552 to schedule a kids oral exam.